Radio Afrika was first born as a radio in 1997, founded with the aims of connecting the African diaspora in Austria and providing fair information about the African continent. Over the years, it diversified its media activities, developing newspapers (today’s “Afrika Magazine“), TV programs, and continuously expanding its audience in Austria and beyond.
Throughout its expansion, RATV developed a wide network within Austria, Europe and Africa that established it as a reference organisation for African themes and issues. RATV thus started to provide media support to varied Africa-related projects and activities. Its experience of journalism, its network and its media expertise, also led RATV to become a natural partner in many of the projects it supported.
This experience led RATV to undergo a major transition in 2015, and become itself a key actor in development projects in Africa. Today, RATV offers its journalistic, research and marketing expertise to support, promote, and develop projects related to the African continent in Austria – focusing on integration, the empowerment of the diaspora, racism and discrimination – and African countries – focusing on development.
RATV provides logistical and communication support to Africa-related businesses and activities in Austria and/or projects fostering economic, social and cultural development in African countries. We give special care to cooperation with the African diaspora in Austria: because of its close connection to and intimate knowledge of the African continent, the diaspora possesses unique resources of development, however often poorly organized and exploited.
RATV supports innovative projects breaking with the traditional “crises-catastrophes-conflicts” image that fails to acknowledge the creative potential of the continent. We aim to foster dialogue and cooperation among our partners, both in Austria and in Africa. We promote projects enhancing integration, transfer of knowledge, job creation, and local empowerment, far away from humanitarianism and external dependency.
Researching, informing, and communicating are the main pillars of our expertise. Our team of journalists, researchers and marketing experts offers management consulting and continuous media support before and after the realization of the project, to both our partners and their wider audiences.
Radio Afrika was first born as a radio in 1997, founded with the aims of connecting the African diaspora in Austria and providing fair information about the African continent.